Saturday, 24 June 2017

The Woman Cave Studio

My basement flooded this year.

And it was very mysterious because I couldn't see where the water was coming from, I could only see that it was gushing out from under the laminate flooring like mini-me Niagara Falls.

I went and got a neighbour and we were both bamboozled.

"You'd better call someone," she said helpfully as she went back to her own DRY house.

Long story short I had workers in my basement with jackhammers and shovels for the longest time.

Fortunately the condo insurance paid for everything except the laminate flooring.

Then I got breast cancer.

It wasn't a great year.

Then I got better.

AND because I got better I celebrated by trading a few of my pictures with my cousin's hubby who came and painted and put in new flooring.

I moved my art studio into my cave this morning.


Monday, 12 June 2017

Wonder(ful) Woman

The Empress
oil pastels on canvas

A few years ago a friend and I went to see the 'comedy' Zombieland because neither of us ad ever seen a zombie movie. I still haven't seen a zombie movie because my eyes were shut for most of it.

Anyway until this week I had never seen a superhero movie either.

And after sitting through the trailers for all of the upcoming super hero movies I almost didn't stay for 'Wonder Woman' either.

But I stayed and I have to say it was a darn good story.

Thankfully it was not based on the creepy Margaret Sanger supposedly the original inspiration for Wonder Woman or on the old television character.

Nothing too deep, just great story of good and evil and a hero you can get behind!

Buy some popcorn, sit back and be entertained.

Sunday, 4 June 2017

Marching to Zion

Old churches seem to be infused with serenity.

This 1832 Methodist Church sits in the tiny Niagara community of Beaverdams.  

It is being restored by a group called, "The Friends of Beaverdams Church". The basement is almost done and now they are working on the windows. 

I was at a fundraiser yesterday that included a presentaion of 19th century Methodist music.  

I was dreading it.

All that slaying and trampling underfoot of the enemies of a very crabby Yahweh. 


But Alleluia, those old barn burners loved a cheerful, up beat hymn.

So if you heard it, yes that was me bellowing along with the crowd:

We're marching to Zion, 
Beautiful beautiful Zion
We're marching upward to Zion
The beautiful city of God!
