Sunday, 26 July 2015


The funny thing about saying "I'm sorry" to someone 

is that so often it seems to hinge on the other 

person meeting us half way.  

As if we have a built in mental Geiger counter that

impedes the development of sorry-ness unless it 

detects sorry-ness in the other person first.

But a person can feel sorry or not sorry.

It's existence within can never depend on how

someone else feels.

Sorry-ness should only be measured against one's 

own moral standards.

Being sorry doesn't mean asking for forgiveness.

Saying, "I'm sorry," means holding your head up

and getting right with your own soul.

I learned that the hard way recently.


1 comment:

  1. Great post, Francie. That's how I think. It's 'getting right with your own soul'. Sometimes the other person isn't sorry, at all.
