An atheist branch office of the United Church of Canada? (link here)
I hope so.
I've been following the Rev. Greta Vosper on face book. A United Church minister who has come out of
the closet as an atheist, she is hoping that both she and her like-minded congregation
can stay within the confines of her church.
The powers that be in the church are thinking about it, (likely an understatement :) ),
and Ms Vosper will have the decision in a few weeks.
She's not hopeful.
But I don't see the problem.
The message I get from this is:
you believe is not as important as what you do.
These are good people interested in coming together to
support not just each other but the local community and the world in
Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them. Matthew 7:20
But I have to say, I'm just so annoyed that she didn't come out of the Pagan